Hello Opel rear-wheel-drive fans, Unfortunately, we are currently experiencing problems with our email server, which means I cannot write or answer any emails! Please contact me about anything important through Facebook or over the telephone… Once things are up & running again, I will let you know 🙂 Greetings from the edelschmiede, Thomas
Author: Amy Porteous
Gentlemen, start your Engines!
New stickers for old Opels Stickers are as usual popular in the edelschmiede, so at last we are able to offer a ECE authorisation symbol for the Ascona & Manta B, with more to follow soon. The sticker ’beste Zapfpistolenlage‘ is now also available to be stuck on the petrol cap cover, […]
Cylinder head screw Opel 4- & 6- cylinder cih and 24V DOHC engines
Today we’ve organised a guest post from Dirk Lohmann, more commonly known as the operator of the website www.senator-monza.de. This expert on technology has kindly agreed to give us a lesson on the cylinder head screws for Opel cih & 24V. Myths & secrets accompany the cylinder head screw from Opel cih and DOHC – […]
To spring or not to spring, that is the question?!?
‘Allo, ‘allo to all Opel Senator A & Monza drivers, Almost half a year ago I asked: Are any of you interested in an official set of reproduction springs for the bigger Opels? Up until now we have been waiting and have accumulated a number of interested parties, which has lead us to give […]
Happy New Year from the edelschmiede
Yes, we have arrived safe and well in the year two-thousand-and-fourteen. The eve itself was celebrated quietly with family and neighbours, but now things are ready to continue blow upon blow at the edelschmiede! The web – shophas been well-received and many of our regular customers are pleased that we finally have our own interface […]