1 Opel rear-wheel drive more?!?

“Just top up the oil!”, is generally thought to be an easy task. However, this is not always so. You can find the opening for the engine oil fairly easily, but it’s the ‘finding’ that becomes a problem when it’s a matter of the transmission, especially in Getrag-transmission systems. “This viscous juice leaks out from […]
Exactly! These 3 (4) ‘key words’ are the title of the oil-smeared Bible of every hard-core hobby mechanic. How often have we studied the circuit diagrams, tightening torques or the wheel bearing clearance in order to make sure the car is good to go on a Friday evening just before heading to the disco? Whilst […]
I’ll readily admit that it rarely happens, but it does occasionally happen: a family outing to the edelschmiede in the everyday Kadett C Limo! Just terrific, and thus Stephan managed to turn the weekly shop into something a bit more special. Wife, child & and even the dog found it alright! See you soon Sonja, […]