It’s arrived! As I already mentioned in one of my previous posts, we have a new merchandise management system in the edelschmiede. This system has been filled up in the last few days with all sorts of stickers, and up to the brim at that 🙂
A huge assortment of excellent sticker options for our Opel rear-wheel drives, from a small GSE emblem for the Monza, to a nice ”Ascona E & Sport“ tailgate sticker for the Ascona B, or even a complete „Opel Rallye“ decoration for the Kadett C or the „Black Magic“ decoration for the Manta A – almost everything is there to make a vintage-Opel-driver’s heart race! A look in the edelschmiede shop is well worth your while!
And whilst we are still on the topic of sticky notes, those of you who have received a delivery from the edelschmiede in the last couple of days will already be able to stick on the right sticker for springtime – “Nur Handwäsche” (“Handwash Only”) is now the third complimentary sticker to be included in every order and should absolutely be permanently attached to something somewhere!
Naturally there are also other outstanding technical & wear-and-tear parts in the shop, which are continually expanding!
So, on that note, let’s stick together 🙂